If you don’t, proceed to the next solution. You should now be able to notice a visible spike in the download speed. Once you see the download continuing and an estimated end time, it means that the download is unpaused and will continue.
Wait for a few seconds before you press the X button again to resume it. Now, move the highlighting rectangle to the downloading game or update and push the X button on your controller. To do this, go to the Downloads section that is available on the Notifications page. Technically, there is no logical explanation for this workaround but it has proven to work on several devices one of which is the PS4 gaming console. Slow downloading on your PlayStation 4 can be fixed by temporarily stopping the download and then, resuming it.
Ending these applications is a good idea when there aren’t any downloads in the process. Insufficient network bandwidth can also be caused when the applications running on your system are using up a large portion of your network.